A month prior to my due date, one of my top things on my to-do list was to pack my hospital bag.
My due date was on May 3rd, but my doctor scheduled for me to get induced on April 26th. So a little over a week before my scheduled induction I stopped thinking that I was going to go into labor naturally. I convinced myself I had time to finish some final things so I kind of chilled out. Well, as soon as I convinced myself that I wasn’t going into labor naturally my water broke.
I was dropping my dog off to get groomed, I opened my car down, sat down and all of the sudden I feel a warm gush of water. Mind you this was my first pregnancy so I wasn’t 100% sure if my water broke. I was literally 2 minutes from my house so as soon as I got home I pulled down my pants and while on the phone with both my mom and mother in law I realized it was happening, my water broke, I was in labor.
Between waiting for my fiance and mother in law to get home and panicking about contractions coming soon I realized I never packed my hospital bag. I went to the hospital with only my purse. My mother in law had to bring things to the hospital and it just didn’t go as I wanted. Next pregnancy, I plan on packing in the beginning of my third trimester.
Ladies, did you have the same experience or were you more prepared? If so, what did you pack for yourself and your little bundle of joy?
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