I would love to blame being a new mommy as the reason for mostly doing my shopping online, but I’ve honestly been doing this for years!
As much fun as it might be to go in the mall and try on clothes, I’m kind of over it. I remember 5 years ago I literally would find everything at the mall. Used to spend sometimes 5-6 hours at a time shopping in the mall and I loved doing it. Now, if I do go to the mall I’m lucky if I actually find something that I was looking for. It’s 2018 and it’s all about online shopping! By the time my kids are teenagers I bet malls will mostly be a thing of the past.
Another great thing about online shopping is that I find a lot of clothes that I love for great prices. Now, when it comes to my bags and shoes, that’s a completely different story and blog post! LOL
Fellow fashionistas, if you guys aren’t already shopping at these stores, you can thank me later for the tip.
1. Bloomingdales
2. Nordstrom
3. FashionNova
4. Pretty Little Thing
5. Asos
Asos Bloomingdales carousel Fashion Nova Nordstrom Pretty Little Things Sincerely Courtney
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